Tag Archives: elderly

The Decision To Stop In Geriatric Trauma – Part 2

In my previous post, I reviewed a recent paper analyzing which geriatric patients were more likely to have care withdrawn after serious injury. The authors noted that those with significant limitations to daily living activities, increasing age and/or frailty, and ventilator dependence were major factors.

Today’s paper was written by a multi-institutional group from several Ohio trauma centers. Like the previous paper, the authors used TQIP data for two of the same three years. Patients were at least 65, and deaths within the first 24 hours were excluded. The authors focused on patient groups with and without injuries that limited activities of daily living, so it dovetails with and further refines the conclusions of the previous paper.

Nearly 600,000 patients were identified, with about 550,000 without and 50,000 patients with injuries limiting activities of daily living. The study used propensity matching to examine 39,138 patients with and without these injuries.

Here are the factoids:

  • Patients with an activity-limiting injury were 3x more likely to have care withdrawn (7.5% vs 2.5%)
  • Several additional factors were discovered that were even more predictive of withdrawal of care:
    • Severe injury (ISS > 25) – 23x more likely
    • Unplanned admission to an ICU – 3.3x more likely
    • In-hospital cardiac arrest – 5x

The authors concluded that even if your patient does not have injuries that might limit their daily activities, it is still important to discuss goals of care with our elderly trauma patients.

Bottom line: These two papers, taken together, are saying the same thing. Injured geriatric patients have a higher mortality than similarly injured younger people. Certain factors are associated with ultimate withdrawal of care, including injuries that limit activities of daily living, increasing age and frailty, and unexpected serious events in the hospital, like cardiac arrest and admission to the ICU.

The point is that injuries limiting daily activities are a predictable factor for withdrawal of care. But this is only a small factor. Other unpredictable events, like cardiac arrest or an issue severe enough to require unexpected ICU admission, may be even more predictive. But unless we have a discussion with the patient and their family well in advance, the opportunity will be missed and may result in unwanted and futile care.

Reference: Are we waiting for the sky to fall? Predictors of withdrawal of
life-sustaining support in older trauma patients: A retrospective analysis. J Trauma 94(3):385-391, 2023.

The Decision To Stop In Geriatric Trauma

Traumatic injury is a continuum ranging from very minor to immediately fatal. The mortality rate along that continuum rises exponentially as the Injury Severity Score (ISS) increases. We long ago moved away from the philosophy of keeping someone alive at all costs to embracing the concept of quality of life. We have become more thoughtful about considering patient and family input in difficult cases.

This occurs more frequently when we treat geriatric patients. The mortality for a given ISS increases even more steeply than in younger patients and continues to accelerate for each decade of life. It is becoming routine to have goals of care discussions with patients and their families in most areas of medicine. Although commonplace in specialties like oncology, it is not as common in trauma care.

Withdrawal of life support is one of the endpoints of these goals of care discussions. However, making such a decision with the patient and/or family is challenging. Too soon, and there may be missed opportunities for recovery. Too late, and the patient and family may be further traumatized by futile or undesired care.

Is it possible to identify the common factors that predict appropriate withdrawal of care? The University of Arizona at Tucson group analyzed the Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) database on withdrawal of care from 2017-2019. The authors included only patients aged 65 and older. They sought to identify the predictors of care withdrawal. They also calculated their frailty index to gauge its impact on withdrawal decision-making.

Here are the factoids:

  • Over 150K patients were included in the analysis, with a mean age of 77 and predominantly blunt mechanism (97%)
  • About 19% were judged to be frail by applying an 11-variable frailty index
  • About 1 in 10 had withdrawal of support
  • Factors that increased the likelihood of support withdrawal were increasing age (1.4x more likely), frailty (1.4x), impaired activities of daily living (ADLs) (2.6x), and ventilator requirement (13x)
  • There was no difference between Level I and Level II trauma centers
  • Only 9% of patients had an advance directive
  • Interestingly, 19% of patients who had support withdrawn did not die

Bottom line: The authors only attempted to describe what factors were more likely to be present in patients who underwent withdrawal of care. A simple TQIP database analysis does not contain the data necessary to reliably develop suggested criteria. However, this study is very valuable because it offers a possible basic framework.

Age, frailty, ADLs, and vent dependence were the major variables noted. This alone may make the trauma professional more confident in approaching the family in cases where there is no advance directive. Which, unfortunately, is the majority of patients. 

But more importantly, we really need to define when the most appropriate time for the withdrawal discussion to occur. It requires a careful balance between potentially stopping too soon and persisting into futility.

In my next post, I’ll review another paper on this topic, using TQIP data, also published earlier this year. I’ll compare and contrast the results and see if we can get a clearer picture of how to proceed in the challenging cases.

Reference: The final decision among the injured elderly, to stop or to continue? Predictors of withdrawal of life-supporting treatment. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Jun 1;94(6):778-783. 

Best Of EAST 2023 #5: Imaging The Elderly

Several papers have been published over the years regarding underdiagnosis when applying the usual imaging guidelines to elderly trauma patients. Unfortunately, our elders are more fragile than the younger patients those guidelines were based on, leading to injury from lesser mechanisms. They also do not experience pain the same way and may sustain serious injuries that produce no discomfort on physical exam. Yet many trauma professionals continue to apply standard imaging guidelines that may not apply to older patients.

EAST sponsored a multicenter trial on the use of CT scans to minimize missed injuries. Eighteen Level I and Level II trauma centers prospectively enrolled elderly (age 65+) trauma patients in the study over one year. Besides the usual demographic information, data on physical exams, imaging studies, and injuries identified were also collected. The study sought to determine the incidence of delayed injury diagnosis, defined as any identified injury that was not initially imaged with a CT scan.

Here are the factoids:

  • Over 5,000 patients were enrolled, with a median age of 79
  • Falls were common, with 65% of patients presenting after one
  • Nearly 80% of patients actually sustained an injury (!)
  • Head and cervical spine were imaged in about 90% of patients, making them the most common initial studies
  • The most commonly missed injuries involved BCVI (blunt carotid and vertebral injury) or thoracic/lumbar spine fractures
  • 38% of BCVI injuries and 60% of T/L spine fractures were not identified during initial imaging
  • Patients who were transferred in, did not speak English, or suffered from dementia were significantly more likely to experience delayed diagnosis

The authors concluded that about one in ten elderly blunt trauma patients sustained injuries in body regions not imaged initially. They recommended the use of imaging guidelines to minimize this risk.

Bottom line: Finally! It has taken this long to perform a study that promotes standardizing how we perform initial patient imaging after blunt trauma. Granted, this study only applies to older patients, but the concept can also be used for younger ones. The elderly version must mandate certain studies, such as head and the entire spine. Physical exams can  still be incorporated in the guidelines for younger patients but not the elderly.

The overall incidence of BCVI was low, only 0.7%. But its presence was missed in 38% of patients, setting them up for a potential  stroke. Some way to incorporate CT angiography of the neck will need to be developed. The risk / benefit ratio of the contrast load vs. stroke risk will also have to be determined.

Here are my questions and comments for the presenter/authors:

  • Did you capture all of the geriatric patients presenting to the study hospitals? By my calculation, 5468 patients divided by 18 trauma centers divided by 14 months of study equals 22 patients enrolled per center per month. Hmm, my center sees more than that number of elderly injured patients in the ED per day! Why are there so few patients in your study? Were there some selection criteria not mentioned in the abstract?
  • Why should we believe these study numbers if you only included a subset of the total patients that were imaged?

My own reading of the literature leads me to believe that your conclusions are correct. I believe that all centers should develop or revise their elderly imaging guidelines to include certain mandatory scans regardless of how benign the physical exam appears. Our elders don’t manifest symptoms as reliably as the young. But the audience needs a little more information to help them understand some of the study numbers.


Best Of EAST #10: (F)utility Of ICP Monitoring In Geriatric Patients?

Patients with severe TBI are typically managed using staged protocols based on the Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) guidelines for ICP monitoring. There have been a number of papers over the past six years that question the utility of ICP monitoring, at least using the procedures in the BTF guidelines.  Most of these studies do not specifically break out elderly patients.

The group at the Westchester Medical Center in NY used the TQIP database to review the impact of ICP monitoring for severe TBI in patients > 65 years old. They performed a four year database study on these patients with an isolated head injury (no other body regions with AIS > 2), initial GCS < 8, and a length of stay > 24 hours. The examined the presence or absence of an ICP monitor, AIS head score, GCS, and a number of outcome measures.

Here are the factoids:

  • A total of 4,433 patients met the above criteria, and 17% had an ICP monitor placed
  • After propensity matching for those with and without an ICP monitor, mortality was nearly identical in both groups at 49%
  • ICU length of stay, hospital length of stay, and ventilator days were significantly longer in the monitor group

The authors concluded that ICP monitoring in this elderly group of patients did not improve survival and increased length of time in the ICU, hospital, and on the ventilator. The recommend that the current guidelines be improved to recognize these facts.

Bottom line: This is a nice, simple study that sought to answer just a few nice, simple questions. The mortality results are convincingly equal between the groups with and without an ICP monitor. The lengths of stay and ventilator days are statistically significantly longer with p values < 0.001. However, the actual numbers are not provided. I have seen many studies where statistically different numbers are not clinically relevant.

There are a number of papers that have come to similar conclusion on other or broader groups of TBI patients. Although we have specific guidelines on who gets a monitor and what we do with the numbers, there is growing doubt that their use actually helps. Perhaps it is time for us to review the data and make appropriate revisions!

Here are my questions for the authors and presenter:

  • Tell us about your propensity score matching. This will help us understand how similar the patient groups really were, with the exception of their ICP monitors.
  • Please provide the actual numbers for your lengths of stay and ventilator days. We need to be sure these are clinically and/or financially significant.
  • Have the results of this work prompted you to rework your own practice guidelines for treatment of severe TBI? I’m always interested if the group feels strongly enough about their work that they would consider changing their practice based on it.



Adding A Hospitalist To The Trauma Service

Hospitals are increasingly relying on a hospitalist model to deliver care to inpatients on medical services. These medical generalists are usually trained in general internal medicine, family medicine, or pediatrics and provide general hospital-based care. Specialists, both medical and surgical, may be consulted when needed.

In most higher level trauma centers in the US (I and II), major trauma patients are admitted to a surgical service (Trauma), and other nonsurgical specialists are consulted based on the needs of the patients and the competencies of the surgeons managing the patients. As our population ages, more and more elderly patients are admitted for traumatic injury, with more and more complex medical comorbidities.

Is there a benefit to adding medical expertise to the trauma service? A few studies have now looked at this, and I will review them over the next few days. The Level I trauma center at Christiana Care in Wilmington, Delaware embedded a trauma hospitalist (THOSP) in the trauma service. They participated in the care of trauma patients with coronary artery disease, CHF, arrhythmias, chronic diseases of the lung or kidneys, stroke, diabetes, or those taking anticoagulants.

The THOSP was consulted on appropriate patients upon admission, or during admission if one of the conditions was discovered later. They attended morning and afternoon sign-outs, and weekly multidisciplinary rounds. A total of 566 patients with hospitalist involvement were matched to controls, and ultimately 469 patients were studied.

Here are the factoids:

  • Addition of the THOSP resulted in a 1 day increase in hospital length of stay
  • Trauma readmissions decreased significantly from 2.4% to 0.6%
  • The number of upgrades to ICU status doubled, but ICU LOS remained the same
  • Mortality decreased significantly from 2.9% to 0.4%
  • The incidence of renal failure decreased significantly
  • Non-significant decreases in cardiovascular events, DVT/PE and sepsis were also noted
  • There was no difference in the number of medical specialty consults placed (cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, nephrology)

Bottom line: This paper shows some positive impact, along with some puzzling mixed results. The decrease in mortality and many complications is very positive. Was the increase in ICU transfers due to a different care philosophy in medical vs surgical personnel? And the failure to decrease the number of specialty consults was very disappointing to me. I would expect that having additional medical expertise on the team should make a difference there.

Was the THOSP really “embedded” if they were not involved in the regular daily rounds? In this case, they were present only for handoffs and for weekly multidisciplinary rounds. I believe that having them on the rounding team daily would be of huge benefit, allowing the surgeons and hospitalists to learn from each other. Plus, there should be a benefit to the residents in a Level I center, helping them broaden their ability to care for these complicated patients.

Reference: Embedding a trauma hospitalist in the trauma service reduces mortality and 30-day trauma-related readmissions. J Trauma 81(1):178-183, 2016.