Will Our Phones Help Save Us From Being Distracted By Our Phones?
I’ve written many posts on the perils of texting and driving. Everybody knows it’s bad, but they still do it. It’s tough for police to detect, let alone enforce.
How to deal with this problem? Well now, there’s an app for that!
AdelaVoice has released a free app for Android phones that allows the user to interact with their phone without touching or even looking at it. It’s called StartTalking and lets the user send and listen to texts, post to Twitter or Facebook, as well as other tasks. To visit their website, click here.
I think that this app could dramatically improve road safety if it works as advertised. However, I also don’t think it’s the final answer, because research has also shown that just talking on the phone is a distraction and leads to accidents, too.
It will be very interesting to see where this type of solution leads us.
Disclosure: I have no financial interest in AdelaSoft or StartTalking. I don’t even own an Android phone!