Category Archives: Pharmacy

Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) Reversal: Part 2

In the previous post, I reviewed some basic information on DOAC reversal. Five years ago, it was costly and questionably effective. So what has happened in the meantime?

In this post, I’ll review a big trial the pharma company was excited about and make a few comments.


This study sought to evaluate the hemostatic effect of Andexanet administration in patients taking a Factor Xa inhibitor who suffered an intracranial hemorrhage.

Key points in this study:

  • It was a five-year, multicenter, randomized controlled trial
  • Subjects had to have taken their medication within 15 hours of the event, had an intracranial hemorrhage identified by CT within 12 hours of symptoms, and randomized in the study within two hours after the scan
  • There were 263 patients reversed with Andexanet and 267 with “usual care,” which was not clearly defined aside from administration of prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC)
  • Traumatic ICH was only present in about 13% of subjects, and the average volume was about 10 mL. Most were intracerebral hemorrhages (90%), with 5% or less being subdural hematomas.
  • Andexanet treatment was associated with increased “hemostatic efficacy,” a combination variable consisting of volume change, change in NIH Stroke Scale score, and no need for rescue therapy within 12 hours.   There was also decreased hematoma volume change by 3.8mm (12%), an increased number of thrombotic events (10% vs. 6%), and an increased number of ischemic strokes (6.5% vs. 1.5%) at 30 days. There was no difference in deaths at 30 days.
  • Hemostatic efficacy was highest in intracerebral hemorrhages and nearly ineffective for subdural hematomas
  • Hemostatic efficacy was significantly higher than that of patients who received PCC in the “usual care” arm, but it was no better than usual care without PCC (?)

Bottom line: Wow! That’s a lot of numbers. The company was excited because the trial was stopped early due to “superior [hemostatic] efficacy vs usual care.” Basically, what they are saying is that the combination of hematoma size, stroke scale, and lack of need for other rescue therapy was significantly lower in patients treated with andexanet alfa. 

But is this meaningful in trauma? There are several issues, IMHO:

  • The study was not powered to detect mortality or functional outcome differences, which is what we trauma people are really interested in
  • The primary outcome (hemostatic efficacy) was powered mainly by hematoma size change, which is not of any clear clinical significance
  • There were some shenanigans from company involvement in the study design, with several protocol amendments that occurred
  • It was not clear what “usual care” consisted of other than PCC administration in some patients
  • There was no information on costs

In my next post, I’ll cite several systemic reviews and meta-analyses to come to some final conclusions about this drug.

Reference: Andexanet for factor xa Inhibitor–Associated acute intracerebral hemorrhage. N Engl J Med. 2024;390(19):1745-1755.

Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) Reversal: Part 1

A new class of anticoagulants, the direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), were introduced in 2010.  I started writing about them more than five years ago and was initially pessimistic about their safety profile in patients with head injuries. However, reversal agents and/or protocols were introduced, and the literature has borne out the fact that they appear to be safer than the old stand-by warfarin.

The most recent DOAC reversal agent, Andexxa (andexanet alfa), was approved in 2018. Today, I will republish a post on this agent five years ago and a year after the FDA approved it.  In my next post, I’ll refresh and update the trial data and cost, and review several systemic reviews with meta-analyses to come up with a consensus on its usefulness.

Here’s the repost:

Two classes of direct oral anticoagulant drugs (DOACs) are currently available: direct thrombin and Factor Xa inhibitors. Andexxa was designed to reverse the latter by providing a lookalike of Factor Xa to selectively bind to apixaban (Eliquis) and rivaroxaban (Xarelto).

The Austrian consensus paper I previously discussed recommended giving Andexxa to patients taking apixaban or rivaroxaban if it was not possible to show that the drugs were non-therapeutic. This means that reversal should be considered if your lab could not measure anti-Factor Xa levels promptly and the patient was known to be taking one of these agents.

Sounds cut and dried, right? Your patient is taking a Factor Xa inhibitor, and they are bleeding, so give the reversal agent. Unfortunately, it’s much more complicated than that.

  • The half-life of Andexxa is much shorter than that of the drugs it reverses. The reversal effect of Andexxa begins to wear off two hours after administration and is gone by four hours. On the other hand, the half-life of rivaroxaban is 10+ hours in the elderly. The half-life of apixaban is even longer, 12 hours. This means that it is likely that multiple doses of Andexxa would be necessary to maintain reversal.
  • There are no studies comparing the use of Andexxa with the current standard of care (prothrombin complex concentrate, PCC). The ANNEXA-4 study tried to do this. It was a single-arm observational study with 352 subjects. These patients were given Andexxa if major bleeding occurred within 18 hours of their DOAC dose. Two-thirds of the patients had intracranial bleeding. All were given a bolus followed by a two-hour drip. All showed dramatic drops in anti-Factor Xa levels, and 82% of patients had good or excellent hemorrhage control. However, 15% died, and 10% developed thrombotic complications.
  • The FDA clinical reviewers recommended against approval due to the lack of evidence for clinical efficacy. The director for the Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies overruled the reviewers and allowed approval until a definitive study was completed. So far, there have been no justifiable claims that Andexxa is superior to PCC.
  • To be fair, PCC has not been compared to placebo either. So, we don’t really know how useful it is when treating bleeding after DOAC administration.
  • Andexxa is very expensive. Old literature showed a single dose price of $49,500, which has been revised downward. Effective October 2019, Medicare agreed to reimburse a hospital about $18,000 for Andexxa over and above the DRG for the patient’s care. Remember, two doses may be needed due to the long half-life of the Factor Xa inhibitors. This comes to about $36,000, which is much higher than the cost for PCC (about $4,000).

Bottom line: Any hospital considering adding Andexxa to their formulary should pay attention to all the factors listed above and do the math for themselves. Given the growing number of patients placed on DOACs, the financial and clinical impact will continue to grow. Is the cost and risk of this therapy justified by the meager clinical efficacy data available?


  1. Full Study Report of Andexanet Alfa for Bleeding Associated with Factor Xa Inhibitors. NEJM 380(14):1326-1335, 2019.
  2. Key Points to Consider When Evaluating Andexxa for Formulary Addition. Neurocrit Care epub ahead of print, 22 Oct 2019.

What’s With Those Capital Letters In Drug Names?

Call me slow. I’ve subconsciously seen those capital letters in drug names for years. But I never really paid attention or thought much about them. For whatever reason, I just now realized that they are EVERYwhere!

So I decided to investigate. Technically, they are called tall man letters. Here are some examples:

Certain parts of the drug name are capitalized to highlight differences from a drug with similar spelling. Note the similarities of the drugs in each row, and how the capital letters set them apart.

Studies from 20 years ago have shown that drug names are easier to distinguish using tall man letters. From a practical standpoint, fewer medication errors occur when tall man letters are used.

This technique is now used on preprinted pharmacy labels, and in electronic medical record systems.  Surveys have shown that half of respondents have used tall man lettering in conjunction with pharmacy labels and medical records. Those found on labels were considered most effective, and those on preprinted order forms was least effective.

The use of tall man characters is now so pervasive that they are just part of the background. But a very important part. Now you (and I) know!

Reference:Tall man letters are gaining wide acceptance. P T. 2012 Mar;37(3):132-48. PMID: 22605902; PMCID: PMC3351881.

Best Of AAST #5: Door-To-Prophylaxis Time

Today’s abstract continues the theme of VTE prophylaxis. The authors introduce another timing parameter in this one: the “door-to-prophylaxis” time. Just as it sounds, this is the time interval between admission to the ED and initiating chemo-prophylaxis. Just like some centers struggle with how long to wait to start it after a solid organ injury (see previous post here), many find it challenging to get it ordered in the first place.

The authors retrospectively reviewed their registry data over four years. They compared adult patients who arrived as a highest-level of activation and received blood during their resuscitation. They were divided into two groups: those with DVT or pulmonary embolism (VTE group) and those without (no VTE group). The door-to-prophylaxis time was defined as the time from hospital arrival to the first dose of medication.

Here are the factoids:

  • Just over 2,000 patients met inclusion criteria, with 106 experiencing VTE and 1,941 without it
  • VTE patients had higher ISS (29 vs. 24), higher lactate levels (4.6 vs. 3.9), and more post-ED blood transfusions (8 vs. 2)
  • There was no difference in the need for dose adjustment or missed doses between the groups
  • Door-to-prophylaxis time was significantly longer in the VTE group (35 vs. 25 hours)
  • When controlling for age, sex, ISS, lactate, and post-ED transfusions, each hour of delay increased the likelihood of VTE by 1.5%

The authors concluded that the door-to-prophylaxis time was significantly associated with increased incidence of VTE. They suggest that the door-to-prophylaxis time should be utilized as a performance improvement metric for this condition.

Bottom line: Unfortunately, we need a lot more information here. There was not enough room for details about the statistical analysis in the abstract, but they will be essential to know. And the authors remind us that this study shows association, not causation. 

Severe injury and blood transfusion are already known to be associated with a higher likelihood of VTE. The fact that the longer door-to-prophylaxis group had more frequent VTE may very well be due to their higher ISS and greater number of transfusions. Those events themselves may have led to the hesitation in starting a heparin.

Early prophylaxis is certainly a desirable goal in any trauma patient. But we need more than a new metric. We need more concrete information on the specific reasons for the delay and to prove that it is safe to give the drug early in patients who have those potential delaying factors.

Reference: “Door-to-prophylaxis” time as a novel quality improvement metric in preventing venous thromboembolism following traumatic injury. AAST 2023, Plenary paper #38.

Best Of AAST #4: Starting VTE Prophylaxis After Solid Organ Injury

Venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) continues to be a major issue in trauma patients. Most trauma centers have prophylaxis guidelines to try to reduce this problem. These guidelines typically recognize specific injuries that increase the risk of bleeding if anticoagulants are given. Typical ones include hemorrhagic injuries to the brain, pelvic and spine fractures, and solid organ injuries.

Typically, VTE prophylaxis starts immediately upon admission. But when these high-risk injuries are present, it is usually delayed for a period of time. Unfortunately, that period may be highly variable. Many centers have adopted 2-3 days to delay administration of low molecular weight heparin in patients with solid organ injury.

The AAST initiated a prospective multi-institutional trial comparing early (<48 hours after admission) and late (>48 hours) administration of prophylactic agents. Patients were older than 16 years, had any number of liver, spleen, or kidney injuries, and were initially treated nonoperatively. Patients who were transferred, died in the ED, were pregnant, had a bleeding disorder, or were taking anticoagulants or platelet inhibitors were excluded. A power analysis was performed, and more than the needed number of patients were enrolled.

Here are the factoids:

  • A total of 1173 patients were enrolled, and there were 589 liver injuries, 569 spleen injuries, and 289 kidney injuries
  • About 75% of patients (864) had early prophylaxis
  • Patients were younger (median 34 years), and two-thirds were male, with a median ISS of 22
  • Early VTE prophylaxis patients had significantly lower rates of VTE (3% vs. 7%)
  • There was no significant difference in failure of nonoperative management (5% early vs. 7% late)
  • The early prophylaxis group received fewer units of blood after prophylaxis started (17% vs. 23%)
  • Patients receiving VTE prophylaxis after 48 hours were 2.2x more likely to develop VTE

The authors concluded that early VTE chemoprophylaxis was associated with lower rates of VTE with no increase in complications. They recommended that it should become the standard of care for these patients.

Bottom line: Seeing such a well-designed and nicely executed study is refreshing. If the facts are borne out in the final manuscript review, this should become the standard of care for VTE prophylaxis in patients with solid organ injuries. 

I wish the authors would have stipulated that the chemoprophylaxis was required to be low molecular weight heparin. Unfortunately, there are still more than a few centers using unfractionated heparin. There could be a difference in efficacy and failure rates between the two. This could complicate the statistical analysis. Hopefully, the presenter will address this during the meeting.

I would also like to see a breakdown of when the early VTE prophylaxis actually started. Were they all close to 48 hours? Or were there enough at 24 hours to show this is also safe and effective?

It’s time for everyone to review their VTE prophylaxis guidelines. Get ready to make some major changes in your patients with solid organ injury!

Reference: When is it safe to start VTE prophylaxis after blunt solid organ injury? A prospective AAST multi-institutional trial. AAST 2023, Plenary paper #23.