In The Next Trauma MedEd Newsletter: Blunt Carotid And Vertebral Injury

The next issue of Trauma MedEd will be sent out to subscribers this week, and will provide some interesting information on fblunt carotid and vertebral artery injury (BCVI).

This issue is being released to subscribers at 9am Central time on Tuesday. If you sign up any time before then, you will receive it, too. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until it goes out to the general public next week. Click this link right away to sign up now and/or download back issues.

BCVI is not something trauma professionals see often. Or is it?

In this issue, learn about:

  • What BCVI is
  • How common it is
  • The various screening systems and how good they are
  • How to grade it
  • And most importantly, how to treat it

As always, this month’s issue will go to all of my subscribers first. If you are not yet one of them, click this link right away to sign up now and/or download back issues.