Pop Quiz: What Do You See?

Sometimes we are way too focused. Commonly, trauma professionals will look at a lab result / image / patient / etc and only see what they are looking for.

Here’s an exercise to help you break out of that trap. I want you to look at this image and make a list of all the non-trivial things you see and think about that are pertinent to the case. Like “there is a knife in, on, or under the patient” and not like “the patient has ribs.”


Tomorrow, I’ll go over my list of 16 items. See if you can find them all, or more! On Thursday, I’ll explain how I figured out each item. Good luck!

Hit me with your key findings via Twitter, or comment below!

May Newsletter Released To Subscribers Tonight!

The May Trauma MedEd Newsletter will be released to subscribers tonight. I’ll be covering Nursing & Midlevels. Articles include:

  • What to do when the doc won’t listen!
  • NPs, PAs and trauma care
  • Forensic nursing
  • Nursing tips for managing pediatric orthopedic trauma
  • And more…

Anyone on the subscriber list as of 8PM tonight (CST) will receive it later this evening. I’ll release it to everyone else this Friday via the blog. So sign up for early delivery now by clicking here!

Pick up back issues here!