Someone asked me an interesting question: If I have a patient with a clavicle fracture, is it okay to insert a subclavian line on that side?
Don’t try to look it up. As far as I’ve been able to determine, there is no literature on this simple little question. For most people, the first reaction is “No way!” But think about it a bit, and see if you can come up with any reasons it might be preferred.
Please post your comments, or tweet them out. I’ll answer this pesky one tomorrow.
Here’s David Ahrenholz MD, our Burn Center Director and incoming president of the American Burn Association, giving some very practical tips on estimating the size of a burn. Don’t be “that guy” who wildly overestimates the size before transferring your patient! Only 5 minutes long!
Here’s Jesse Nelson MD talking about keeping rare but critical knowledge fresh. It’s 17 minutes long and uses a vent management paradigm to get the point across.
Here’s Aaron Burnett MD giving a nice 20 minute talk on the trials and tribulations of field amputation. It includes information on planning, execution, and potential problems with this procedure in the prehospital environment.
Tomorrow: How to reduce a posterior hip dislocation