Yesterday I discussed loop closure for system issues. Today I’ll look at the interesting relationship between peer and system issues.
Although most PI issues that arise seem to be related to something done (or not done) by an individual, that doesn’t mean that the issue is peer-related. Frequently a significant portion of the problem is caused by a system issue. How can this be?
Let’s take the example of DPL. A physician performs a DPL in the trauma bay and the trauma PI program notes that it was performed without the requisite placement of an NG tube and urinary catheter first. At first look, this is a peer-related problem, right? Just counsel the doctor and everything will be better.
Wrong! Your PI program needs to assume that every apparent peer-related problem is a manifestation of one or more system issues. In my example, another DPL is performed 6 months later by a different physician, and once again the catheters are not inserted first. What gives?
I recently wrote that DPL was a dying art. Most institutions perform this procedure only a few times a year. People get rusty with uncommon procedures because they can’t practice. So instead of considering this a physician problem, look at it as a system problem. How can you keep them from forgetting something they seldom do? Simple! Attach a gastric tube and a urinary catheter directly to the DPL kit. When the physician grabs the kit, they will be instantly reminded of the need to insert them first. Problem solved.
Bottom line: always assume that people are doing their best to provide excellent care to their patients. Look closely for possible system problems that are keeping them from doing just that. Then put your thinking cap on and come up with some creative solutions.
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