NEW: Indexed Archive for the Trauma Professional’s Blog!

Over the past several months, I’ve wanted to refer to older blog entries while teaching our surgical and emergency medicine residents. However, I’m not completely satisfied with the search system available here on Tumblr, my blog host. And although the Archive View feature is fun (you can see a snapshot of entries by month), it’s still tough to drill down to a specific post.

I’m excited to announce an indexed version of the archive, which is now available at This link opens a list of posts that are indexed by topic area. It’s now much easier to find something you are looking for, and it helps me avoid duplicating posts.

I have received occasional requests for a post on a specific topic, and I really enjoy responding to them. If you have a question about some trauma-related topic that you are “dying” to know the answer to, please email me or use the ask link to the right. 

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