Tag Archives: newsletter

New Trauma MedEd Newsletter Released Monday To Subscribers!

The October issue of Trauma MedEd is ready! Subscribers will receive it Monday afternoon. This issue is devoted to resuscitation

Included are articles on:

  • Blood transfusion with component therapy
  • Best INR you can achieve with FFP
  • Predicting the need for massive transfusion
  • Transfusion and Jehovah’s witnesses
  • And more!

As mentioned above, subscribers will get the issue delivered Monday to their preferred email address. It will be available to everybody else at the end of next week on the blog.

Check out back issues, and subscribe now! Get it first by clicking here!

Trauma MedEd Newsletter Index


I’ve been putting the Trauma MedEd newsletter together for nearly 2 years now. I’ve gotten several requests for information on back issues, so I’ve decided to publish an index of all the issues. Click any link to download the corresponding issue. If you want to subscribe and get new issues emailed to you first, click here. Thanks for reading!

The September issue was emailed to subscribers earlier this week. It will be released to non-subscribers in the blog next Monday.

To subscribe to the newsletter, click here.

New Trauma MedEd Newsletter Released Tonight To Subscribers!

The September issue of Trauma MedEd is ready! Subscribers will receive it tonight. This issue is devoted to prevention

Included are articles on:

  • Motorcycle helmets
  • Elderly falls
  • Dug use
  • Prevention map mashups
  • And more!

As mentioned above, subscribers will get the issue delivered tonight to their preferred email address. It will be available to everybody else later this week on the blog.

Check out back issues, and subscribe now! Get it first by clicking here!

The May Trauma MedEd Newsletter Is Available!

The April newsletter is now available! Click the image below or the link at the bottom to download. This month’s topic is TBI. 

In this issue you’ll find articles on:

  • Is the GCS scale getting too old?
  • Non-surgeons placing ICP monitors
  • Management of CSF leaks
  • Pneumocephalus and air transport
  • Fever and head injury

Subscribers had the newsletter emailed to them over the weekend. If you want to subscribe (and download back issues), click here.

Download the newsletter here!

New Trauma MedEd Newsletter Released Tonight To Subscribers!

The May issue of Trauma MedEd is ready to go! Subscribers will receive it overnight tonight. This issue is devoted to Traumatic Brain Injury. 

Included are articles on:

  • Brain injury and DVT prophylaxis
  • Controlling fever in brain injury
  • An alternative to the GCS?
  • Pneumocephalus and air transport
  • and more!

As mentioned above, subscribers will get the issue delivered tonight to their preferred email address. It will be available to everybody else on next Wednesday’s blog post.

Check out back issues, and subscribe now! Get it first by clicking here!