This is my first SMACC. And what a SMACC it is! Holey moley! This is a celebration of the FOAMed community, and it’s almost a festival atmosphere. Check out this photo of the opening ceremony:

The audience is an enthusiastic mix of disciplines and backgrounds, and covers a wide range of topics most appropriate to emergency medicine. But there is information of interest to any resuscitationist, and this includes trauma and critical care professionals. The reception at the end of day 1 as fun, and I’m sure the gala dinner tonight will be something to behold.
One observation: It’s interesting that a group of people that are so into online learning have the need to physically meet from time to time. I think it points out our very human social nature, and demonstrates that online social media/networks will never replace actual face to face contact!
Check out the links below to see if next year’s meeting might be for you!