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The Evolution Of Penetrating Neck Trauma Management – Part 2: Initial Steps - In my previous post, I described the early days of penetrating neck injury management and introduced a paper suggesting that this concept should be revised. Today, I will summarize a paper by Siletz and Inaba that is currently in press and outlines what the contemporary way of treating these injuries should be. Step 1. If present, rapidly control external hemorrhage and airway compromise. As always, bleeding should be controlled by direct pressure or packing. Direct… continue reading...

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It’s difficult to stay up to date with what’s new in trauma care!

This is a complicated and fast moving field. How can trauma professionals keep up with all the new research, learn some practical and useful tips, and take care of their patients as well?

The Trauma Professional’s Blog has been published weekdays at 9am Central Time, nearly non-stop for over 12 years! It is designed to appeal to any trauma professional in any discipline. It strives to provide easy to understand information on a wide variety of topics. Most of the posts are crafted in response to questions posed on rounds, as well as things that I run across in my practice or reading that I’m curious about, too.

I only cover items and issues that are of interest to the practicing trauma professional. I keep the scientific jargon to a minimum, and make sure that the “bottom line” at the end of each post contains information you can actually put to use. If it involves animal studies or esoterica like metabolomes and adhesion molecules, you won’t find it here!

Take a few minutes to explore, check out the archives, videos and more. And I fully realize I can’t read your mind. If you don’t see it here, just ask. I’ll do my best to figure it out and explain it!

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